Basic questions
How much does it cost to create a course?
Free course creation for the organizer.
Creating courses
What is the difference between course and stream?
A course is a template that consists of a course description and lessons that contain all materials in the form of text, photos and videos.
A stream is an instance of a course that has unique settings, for example, a stream launched from a course can be either individual or group. Each stream has its own unique link and code. It is possible to have several courses running simultaneously from the same course with different schedules. To visit the stream users need to sign up.
What is the course description for?
From the course description comes the information that is used for our course store. It contains a signing-up or purchase button.
What does it mean to check courses?
The app operates within the framework of the legislation of the Russian Federation, it must also comply with the requirements of the AppStore and Google Play, so we do not assess the level of content.
Why are the first and last lessons required?
We assume that these lessons are not part of the training process, we propose to talk about the features of the training process immediately after purchasing / signing-up the course even before its start. In the final lesson, we invite you to thank the students, write what to do next to succeed, you can also recommend your other courses there.
Stream settings
What kind of stream can I create?
The key choice depends on which course you want - group or individual, in individual streams of students independently of each other, and in group together.
In a group account, you must select a start date for the stream, and in individual mode users can start immediately after signing-up.
All lessons are available immediately or open on schedule.
Will there be a paid course or free one
You can also choose whether you give the opportunity to write you a private message, check your homework and more fine-tuned settings for limiting the number of people in group courses, the end of the signing-up date for the stream.
What is a schedule for?
The schedule makes it possible to make sure that each lesson will open on a specific date, it can be a specific date or interval.
Can I change stream settings after launch?
No, after the start of the stream you cannot add or change anything, you can only add or hide the stream from the store.
Why do I need a course description?
If you run different types of streams from the same course, each stream may require its own description.
Working with students
What opportunities do I have in the learning process?
Depending on the flow, you can communicate with students inside the app, check homework, assign a grade, view test results, etc.
Paid courses
How do I create a paid course?
To create a paid course and, accordingly, the ability to withdraw money, you need to verify your account.
If I am an individual, can I create a paid course?
Yes, after verifying your account, you will be able to create paid courses.
When will I be able to withdraw funds?
Withdrawal of funds available after the completion of the course. The course is completed one week after the opening of the last lesson.
How do I withdraw funds?
Just add your bank card number in the app.
App for creating courses and marathons
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